Owl Rescue Centre


Dedicated to the protection of owls and wildlife

Rescue, Rehabilitate & Release

Apart from our many conservation projects, Owl Rescue Centre is both a rehabilitation facility and a sanctuary for owls in need of care. 


Rescue is usually the first step in the process of helping owls that have found themselves in adverse situations. In South Africa, a large portion of the population are superstitious of owls, or believe that they carry an evil connotation. In such cases, owls face persecution if not rescued and relocated.

Although many people love owls and find them quite fascinating, they are often unwelcome visitors.  On average, five or more owls per week are rescued from factories, warehouses, company buildings or private homes.

Despite their reputation for wisdom, owls can make unwise choices when it comes to nesting. Barn Owls have been found nesting in precarious locations, putting their chicks at risk of falling, getting trapped or injured.

To prevent this, we relocate the owl families to either a nesting box or safer environment. Other situations that require rescue include sick or injured owls, orphaned owlets, and owls stuck inside chimneys or buildings.